The direction of the world today is “work from home”. Closet Envy will spend time to see how you use your space during your daily routine. Our talented designers will help you create a designer office space that you want to work in.
A Designer Office
A client in Colleyville, TX was looking for a more built in look for his home office. His office before looked like many home offices around the country. It was functional and…fine. And yet, it didn’t inspire him to want to spend time in there. Let alone the hours required to work from home.
In addition to a built in look the client wanted to incorporate a peninsula so that he could appreciate the view of the outside. He was also interested in moving from a carpeted room to wood floors.
One feature we added to connect all the individual elements was a full backing in a color called Angora. It coordinated very well with the built in system in the color Cassis. Built in lighting adds a finishing touch that allows this room to easily go from day to night!
This office is more than just a place to work. We all benefit from a space that inspires us. This built in not only includes valuable storage space, it also utilizes glass shelves to display items. No matter where you turn in this designer home office you have something beautiful to look at.
Designer artwork gives this space a luxurious finishing touch. Who wouldn’t want to work from home with an office space like this?!!
We’re More Than Just Closets
Don’t let our name fool you Closet Envy is more than just closets! We can help you create organizational solutions for any room in your home. Schedule your free consultation today and turn your office space into a work from home designer showpiece.
As the new year begins perhaps it’s time to start your work life off with a clean slate…or at least a clean office! Here are some of our favorite office space organization ideas!
We’ve said it before and we’ll likely say it again…and again…and again. Any organization project begins with a purge. You have to pull everything out to see what you have and decide what you need to keep, what you can donate, and what needs to find its way to the trash.
Lifehack has these tips to share about the dreaded purge stage.
De-clutter, empty, shred, get rid of everything that you don’t need or want. Look around. What haven’t you used in a while? Take one area at a time. If it doesn’t work, send it out for repair or toss it. If you haven’t used it in months and can’t think of when you’ll actually need it, out it goes. This goes for furniture, equipment, supplies, etc. Don’t forget about knick-knacks, plants (real or artificial), and decorations – if they’re covered with dust and make your office look shabby, they’re fair game.
Work Flow
Once you have purged your collection of papers, and piles, and plants (oh my) you can get started categorizing what is left. The Huffington Post suggests creating work zones.
Having different work zones can be the solution to your problems. Sometimes, our work requires different spaces and tools to help trigger a better output. Consider segmenting your work zones into a computer work station and a non-computer based work space. Even if you have one desk, you can still utilize your work area to get the optimum output you desire.
Think about the space you have in your office and how the furniture might be rearranged to create zones that fit your workflow.
Organize, Organize, Organize
While it’s true that the entire office needs organizational strategies, the number one place to focus is THE DESK! It’s where you spend the bulk of your time, and where things tend to pile up the most. Start with a system for controlling the paper. Inc. suggests using two document trays.
A two-tray system is the simplest and most effective for handling incoming paper. The system works like this: 1) new tray, new documents; 2) old tray, documents you’ve opened or looked at, and need to deal with.
All new, unread, or unopened documents go in the new tray. This tray is for the benefit of people who wander into your office to toss stuff on your desk. Point to the tray. The new tray is for things that you still have to deal with. Unopened envelopes, folders, documents–it’s all waiting for you, neatly stacked, when you’re ready for it.
The old tray is for things that you’ve opened but still need to deal with–scan, file, forward, etc. It’s like a to-do list, but at least it’s not scattered all over your office
This is a very simple approach, but it works wonders for eliminating paper clutter from a desk, freeing you to be more productive.
Once you have the paper piles under control it’s time to start to think about your office supplies. Consider what you actually need to have at arms reach and then decide where to keep those items. It helps keep your desktop clear if you can store supplies in drawers or on shelves. Divided organizers help you keep your office supplies under control.
Choose Your View
If you are rethinking your office, why not reconsider the furniture arrangement as well. Where do you spend the most time in your office? What do you see when your eyes drift off the computer. Is there a better way?
The Balance has some suggestions for what to think about when choosing your view.
Sit in front of your computer with your hands on the keyboard and look away from the monitor, sweeping 90 degrees (or as much as you can survey comfortably without craning your neck). The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety recommends looking away from the computer screen every few minutes and focusing your eyes on more distant objects to help combat eye strain and fatigue. But is there anything attractive in your range of vision? If not, add something worth looking at to your office design, such as a painting, print or poster that you like. If space allows and the conditions are right, a living blooming plant can work wonders for dressing up an office space and feeding your spirits. Pressed for space? Put up a small cork board and use it to pin up things that make you happy, such as photos of family and friends, drawings by your children, or even a colorful calendar.
We can’t all have views like this, but let’s face it, if you did have a view like this how much work would you want to get done?!!
Put Us to Work for You
This is your year to get organized once and for all! Closet Envy can help! Whether its your office, your closet, your kitchen, or your entire home that needs an organizing overhaul we are ready to go to work and help you realize your dreams! New year, new organized you!
The start of school is just around the corner. Set your student up for success with an organized homework station.
The Omni Track system allows you to customize your homework area. Mix and match pieces to meet the needs of the star student in your life!
Older students can keep projects organized with a set of hanging file folders. The Omni Track File Hanger also works well for parents to keep track of the many, many, MANY papers that come home on a daily basis.
Adding a dry erase board is a great way to leave reminders or encouraging notes for your little one. An Omni Track Pencil Tray is the perfect place for markers and, of course, pencils!
Love office supplies? Then you will love combining a Pencil Tray with a few Small Trays to house all those bits and pieces. Pair it with a Paper Tray and you can keep everything needed to solve math problems/practice handwriting/draw pictures all in one place.
Have a dedicated spot for that cell phone during homework time. Hopefully it will be out of site, out of mind. You could also store pens, or calculators, or even flash cards in the Upright Tray. Hook two together for additional storage space.
A Pop-Up USB Charging Center is all you need to keep those devices charged and ready to go. Then once the homework is done those screens are powered up and ready to play.
Closet Envy can help take your homework area from a failing grade to an A+ in no time!