Have you heard of the KonMari Method for closet organization? Marie Kondo developed an approach to decluttering using Japanese values. Many find this method to be far more than a way to tidy up. They claim it is life changing.
What is the KonMari Method?
Marie Kondo shares the KonMari Method philosophy on her website.
The KonMari Method™ is a way of life and a state of mind that encourages cherishing the things that spark joy in people’s lives.
Belongings are acknowledged for their service and thanked before being let go of, if they no longer spark joy.
People are drawn to this philosophy not only due to its effectiveness, but also because it places great importance on being mindful, introspective, and optimistic.
There are several steps to the KonMari Method of cleaning up. You can read all about it in her best selling book, or begin the process by downloading the app.
Follow the Steps
The app outlines these 4 steps in the KonMari Method that may look simple but aren’t really simple at all. The process begins by imagining the life you dream of. Think about what a life free of clutter would look like for you. More than just having a clean home, what do you truly want out of life? Does a tidy life mean more space for entertaining? Or the energy for a new hobby? Begin by imagining with the end in mind, as they say.
Now it’s time to move through each category and get organizing! The KonMari Method divides your belongings into 5 categories: clothing, books, papers, konmono (or small things), and sentimental items. Begin with the first checklist and just start.
Gather everything together. It is amazing to see all of your items in one place. Once you see all of your clothing, for example, in one place it helps you visualize how much you actually have. The next step is to pick up each item one by one and determine if that item brings you joy. A Martha Stewart editor gave the process a try. Here’s what she had to say.
What I realized was that I held onto these objects for all the wrong reasons. Instead, as I picked them up, I felt a creep of anxiety at the idea of letting them “go to waste” and the excuse bubbled up, “Well, what if I need it for…?” Yes, it’s good to be prepared, but at what cost? I barely noticed them in my home so obviously they weren’t desperately “needed.” I only felt anxiety at the idea of losing them. In fact, according to Kondo, possessions are stripped of their dignity when they go unused in the home. It is better to let them go.
How Long Does it Take?
For some the process is swift. They may be able to go through the KonMari Method in a matter of days. Others can take months to move through the steps in each category. I guess the lesson is, the process takes as long as it takes. As we mentioned before, many find the process to be life changing. Isn’t that worth a bit of your time? 🙂
KonMari Your Life
Feeling the itch to begin to KonMari your life? You can begin the steps to declutter. Closet Envy can give you a beautiful space to house the items you decide to keep. Once we finish your redesign our professional organizers will help you store your belongings. Schedule your free consultation today!